

Nephrology is a medical science that deals with kidney diseases. Nephrology clinics, which is a sub-branch of internal medicine, are staffed by nephrology specialists who graduated from a 6-year medical school, completed 4 years of internal medicine specialization and specialized in nephrology for 3 years. Nephrology clinics treat diseases such as acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, cystic kidney diseases, nephritis (kidney inflammation), hypertension, electrolyte disorders, blood in urine and protein loss in urine.

Our nephrology clinics provide hemodialysis services for chronic dialysis patients or patients requiring emergency dialysis. Patient-specific treatment options are offered with state-of-the-art hemodialysis machines. Patients requiring organ transplantation are directed to the relevant centers after all kinds of preparations are made.

The main diagnostic and treatment methods applied in nephrology clinics are as follows:

  • Kidney Angiography and Angioplasty
  • Hemodialysis Procedure
  • Hemodiafiltration Procedures
  • 24-Hour Urine Analysis
  • 24-Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Voiding Cysto-ureterography
  • Autoantibody Tests
  • Temporary and Permanent Hemodialysis Catheter Insertion Operation
  • Monitoring Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus Levels
  • Protein Electrophoresis and Immunofixation Electrophoresis
  • Transplantation Preparation

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